After 2012's corrosive Unknown Vectors EP on Visionist's Lost Codes label and a subsequent agonising silence, SD Laika's debut album for Tri Angle 'That's Harakiri' makes absolutely sure that no one in this new grime renaissance has a stranger, scarier, more enterprising voice than he does. Peter Runge is based in Milwaukee, but sounds like a jeep-sized inter-dimensional arachnid being based in a mess of webs underneath Wiley's house. This especially deranged collection of tracks branches outwards in two directions, exploring more experimentally noisy forms and textures as well as a wider area of grime and London club sounds such as the syncopations of funky. It's the city as you've never heard it before - Logos reconfigured, Burial with an animal brain, clubbers as filthy fleet-footed zombies wielding tailpipes and hubcaps. A complex, disturbing and sometimes shocking listen, That's Harakiri is the most alien of all alien grime so far, and that's quite something.
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After 2012's corrosive Unknown Vectors EP on Visionist's Lost Codes label and a subsequent agonising silence, SD Laika's debut album for Tri Angle 'That's Harakiri' makes absolutely sure that no one in this new grime renaissance has a stranger, scarier, more enterprising voice than he does. Peter Runge is based in Milwaukee, but sounds like a jeep-sized inter-dimensional arachnid being based in a mess of webs underneath Wiley's house. This especially deranged collection of tracks branches outwards in two directions, exploring more experimentally noisy forms and textures as well as a wider area of grime and London club sounds such as the syncopations of funky. It's the city as you've never heard it before - Logos reconfigured, Burial with an animal brain, clubbers as filthy fleet-footed zombies wielding tailpipes and hubcaps. A complex, disturbing and sometimes shocking listen, That's Harakiri is the most alien of all alien grime so far, and that's quite something.
After 2012's corrosive Unknown Vectors EP on Visionist's Lost Codes label and a subsequent agonising silence, SD Laika's debut album for Tri Angle 'That's Harakiri' makes absolutely sure that no one in this new grime renaissance has a stranger, scarier, more enterprising voice than he does. Peter Runge is based in Milwaukee, but sounds like a jeep-sized inter-dimensional arachnid being based in a mess of webs underneath Wiley's house. This especially deranged collection of tracks branches outwards in two directions, exploring more experimentally noisy forms and textures as well as a wider area of grime and London club sounds such as the syncopations of funky. It's the city as you've never heard it before - Logos reconfigured, Burial with an animal brain, clubbers as filthy fleet-footed zombies wielding tailpipes and hubcaps. A complex, disturbing and sometimes shocking listen, That's Harakiri is the most alien of all alien grime so far, and that's quite something.
After 2012's corrosive Unknown Vectors EP on Visionist's Lost Codes label and a subsequent agonising silence, SD Laika's debut album for Tri Angle 'That's Harakiri' makes absolutely sure that no one in this new grime renaissance has a stranger, scarier, more enterprising voice than he does. Peter Runge is based in Milwaukee, but sounds like a jeep-sized inter-dimensional arachnid being based in a mess of webs underneath Wiley's house. This especially deranged collection of tracks branches outwards in two directions, exploring more experimentally noisy forms and textures as well as a wider area of grime and London club sounds such as the syncopations of funky. It's the city as you've never heard it before - Logos reconfigured, Burial with an animal brain, clubbers as filthy fleet-footed zombies wielding tailpipes and hubcaps. A complex, disturbing and sometimes shocking listen, That's Harakiri is the most alien of all alien grime so far, and that's quite something.