Nervy, splayed grime and mutant percussive styles from Milanese king Heith and his regular spar Weightausend, following from the former’s standout ‘Mud’ 12” on the Saucers label
Approximating something close to a Google AI deep dream take on grime and contemporary dance music proper, the ‘Stone Lizard’ EP finds a fine, if fraught balance of rhythmic chronics and unpredictable, fractal surface disturbances in each its five highly dynamic parts.
A-side ‘Mower’ hacks into your mainframe with needling high-wire motifs and invasive glossolalic voices in a jagged, rapid 2-step next to the pugilistic drums and gasping vocaloids of ‘The Pole Wax’, and the twitchy, Nkisi-like rhythmic tics of ‘Model of Apathy’. Flipsiude, they continue to fold the ‘floor like tinfoil origami with the sharp creases and refractive, Autechrian angularity of ‘Pantaibira’, and the recursive chromatic knot of wood-cut drums and K-hole dynamics in the EP’s title ace tune.
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Nervy, splayed grime and mutant percussive styles from Milanese king Heith and his regular spar Weightausend, following from the former’s standout ‘Mud’ 12” on the Saucers label
Approximating something close to a Google AI deep dream take on grime and contemporary dance music proper, the ‘Stone Lizard’ EP finds a fine, if fraught balance of rhythmic chronics and unpredictable, fractal surface disturbances in each its five highly dynamic parts.
A-side ‘Mower’ hacks into your mainframe with needling high-wire motifs and invasive glossolalic voices in a jagged, rapid 2-step next to the pugilistic drums and gasping vocaloids of ‘The Pole Wax’, and the twitchy, Nkisi-like rhythmic tics of ‘Model of Apathy’. Flipsiude, they continue to fold the ‘floor like tinfoil origami with the sharp creases and refractive, Autechrian angularity of ‘Pantaibira’, and the recursive chromatic knot of wood-cut drums and K-hole dynamics in the EP’s title ace tune.
Nervy, splayed grime and mutant percussive styles from Milanese king Heith and his regular spar Weightausend, following from the former’s standout ‘Mud’ 12” on the Saucers label
Approximating something close to a Google AI deep dream take on grime and contemporary dance music proper, the ‘Stone Lizard’ EP finds a fine, if fraught balance of rhythmic chronics and unpredictable, fractal surface disturbances in each its five highly dynamic parts.
A-side ‘Mower’ hacks into your mainframe with needling high-wire motifs and invasive glossolalic voices in a jagged, rapid 2-step next to the pugilistic drums and gasping vocaloids of ‘The Pole Wax’, and the twitchy, Nkisi-like rhythmic tics of ‘Model of Apathy’. Flipsiude, they continue to fold the ‘floor like tinfoil origami with the sharp creases and refractive, Autechrian angularity of ‘Pantaibira’, and the recursive chromatic knot of wood-cut drums and K-hole dynamics in the EP’s title ace tune.
Nervy, splayed grime and mutant percussive styles from Milanese king Heith and his regular spar Weightausend, following from the former’s standout ‘Mud’ 12” on the Saucers label
Approximating something close to a Google AI deep dream take on grime and contemporary dance music proper, the ‘Stone Lizard’ EP finds a fine, if fraught balance of rhythmic chronics and unpredictable, fractal surface disturbances in each its five highly dynamic parts.
A-side ‘Mower’ hacks into your mainframe with needling high-wire motifs and invasive glossolalic voices in a jagged, rapid 2-step next to the pugilistic drums and gasping vocaloids of ‘The Pole Wax’, and the twitchy, Nkisi-like rhythmic tics of ‘Model of Apathy’. Flipsiude, they continue to fold the ‘floor like tinfoil origami with the sharp creases and refractive, Autechrian angularity of ‘Pantaibira’, and the recursive chromatic knot of wood-cut drums and K-hole dynamics in the EP’s title ace tune.
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Nervy, splayed grime and mutant percussive styles from Milanese king Heith and his regular spar Weightausend, following from the former’s standout ‘Mud’ 12” on the Saucers label
Approximating something close to a Google AI deep dream take on grime and contemporary dance music proper, the ‘Stone Lizard’ EP finds a fine, if fraught balance of rhythmic chronics and unpredictable, fractal surface disturbances in each its five highly dynamic parts.
A-side ‘Mower’ hacks into your mainframe with needling high-wire motifs and invasive glossolalic voices in a jagged, rapid 2-step next to the pugilistic drums and gasping vocaloids of ‘The Pole Wax’, and the twitchy, Nkisi-like rhythmic tics of ‘Model of Apathy’. Flipsiude, they continue to fold the ‘floor like tinfoil origami with the sharp creases and refractive, Autechrian angularity of ‘Pantaibira’, and the recursive chromatic knot of wood-cut drums and K-hole dynamics in the EP’s title ace tune.