**The new Red Snapper do that acid-jazz-electronica thing for their own label** "You're stranded at a cathedral-like train station in the near future, searching for a ticket out of town. Explore the secret passageways, interact with strangers, dig for records, and get hypnotized by the soundtrack – a new batch of never-before-heard Archie Pelago tunes. In Off-Peak, players will uncover a world where the fate of it's musicians and artists is unclear, yet their tools of the trade are highly prized. Meanwhile, the station itself provides all the comforts a commuter could ask for: great food, the best beer, entertaining board games, relaxing gardens. But *who* is really benefiting here? It is entirely up to the player to what degree they want to engage in and interpret Off-Peak's stories, characters and themes. About the album: The music that accompanies Off-Peak has been stewing in a variety of forms for a few years. With Off-Peak the game, it's given a particular context and function, soundtracking the player's journey through an original world. The games' themes and messages interweave with the music. As a standalone soundtrack album, however, the tracks unfurl at their own pace and in their own space, delving into the abstract emotional and sonic landscapes Archie is known for, deeper than ever before. The band brings its full instrumental arsenal to the table, alongside powerful vocals courtesy of Novelty Daughter, Gabe Garzon-Montano and others. The spirit of openness that has been in the band's DNA from the beginning is represented in full-force on the Off-Peak OST."
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**The new Red Snapper do that acid-jazz-electronica thing for their own label** "You're stranded at a cathedral-like train station in the near future, searching for a ticket out of town. Explore the secret passageways, interact with strangers, dig for records, and get hypnotized by the soundtrack – a new batch of never-before-heard Archie Pelago tunes. In Off-Peak, players will uncover a world where the fate of it's musicians and artists is unclear, yet their tools of the trade are highly prized. Meanwhile, the station itself provides all the comforts a commuter could ask for: great food, the best beer, entertaining board games, relaxing gardens. But *who* is really benefiting here? It is entirely up to the player to what degree they want to engage in and interpret Off-Peak's stories, characters and themes. About the album: The music that accompanies Off-Peak has been stewing in a variety of forms for a few years. With Off-Peak the game, it's given a particular context and function, soundtracking the player's journey through an original world. The games' themes and messages interweave with the music. As a standalone soundtrack album, however, the tracks unfurl at their own pace and in their own space, delving into the abstract emotional and sonic landscapes Archie is known for, deeper than ever before. The band brings its full instrumental arsenal to the table, alongside powerful vocals courtesy of Novelty Daughter, Gabe Garzon-Montano and others. The spirit of openness that has been in the band's DNA from the beginning is represented in full-force on the Off-Peak OST."
**The new Red Snapper do that acid-jazz-electronica thing for their own label** "You're stranded at a cathedral-like train station in the near future, searching for a ticket out of town. Explore the secret passageways, interact with strangers, dig for records, and get hypnotized by the soundtrack – a new batch of never-before-heard Archie Pelago tunes. In Off-Peak, players will uncover a world where the fate of it's musicians and artists is unclear, yet their tools of the trade are highly prized. Meanwhile, the station itself provides all the comforts a commuter could ask for: great food, the best beer, entertaining board games, relaxing gardens. But *who* is really benefiting here? It is entirely up to the player to what degree they want to engage in and interpret Off-Peak's stories, characters and themes. About the album: The music that accompanies Off-Peak has been stewing in a variety of forms for a few years. With Off-Peak the game, it's given a particular context and function, soundtracking the player's journey through an original world. The games' themes and messages interweave with the music. As a standalone soundtrack album, however, the tracks unfurl at their own pace and in their own space, delving into the abstract emotional and sonic landscapes Archie is known for, deeper than ever before. The band brings its full instrumental arsenal to the table, alongside powerful vocals courtesy of Novelty Daughter, Gabe Garzon-Montano and others. The spirit of openness that has been in the band's DNA from the beginning is represented in full-force on the Off-Peak OST."