The Death of Rave is proud to host the initiation of Black Mecha, a new project authorised by Fortress Crookedjaw ov WOLD, introducing a sci-fi vision of heavy electronics strongly informed by the outer limits of black metal and a cryptic, esoteric weltanschuuang.
Official communiqué from the Grand Lodge of Internal Masonry:
“Black Mecha AA provides fragmented metaphoric sci-fi audio conceptualization based around some of the formative ideology developed by the Grand Lodge of Internal Masonry. With centralized focus on the deterrence and defence technique aspects of Internal Masonry, namely, Black Ray and its resulting Architecture Antithesis, or AA, mental effect, the six tracks create a realm conducive to execution of thought rumination, and an embankment for sharp inner pathways.”
For us, Black Mecha does not exist safely within any pre-defined idiom. It is by nature a noumenal gesture in the void, projecting uncharted escape beyond staid, putative perceptions of genre.
Fascinating for its sense of discipline and focus, Black Mecha AA is poised in the balance between meditative hypostasis and raging yet controlled emotion, characterised in the bellicose momentum of Starship Aspicio or the strobing, stately majesty of Altruego, and to cataclysmic impact with the eviscerated electronics of Black Ray.
But make no mistake: it’s not showboating industrial noise or melodramatic angst; the sense of control amidst panic and dread is palpable and compelling in a way hardly experienced with such elemental force.
For listeners of a steeled disposition and open mind there is a logic and ingenuity at play in this record which begs the rarest, private consideration.
But overall - enjoy this music in your own way, because that is the only way of Black Mecha!
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The Death of Rave is proud to host the initiation of Black Mecha, a new project authorised by Fortress Crookedjaw ov WOLD, introducing a sci-fi vision of heavy electronics strongly informed by the outer limits of black metal and a cryptic, esoteric weltanschuuang.
Official communiqué from the Grand Lodge of Internal Masonry:
“Black Mecha AA provides fragmented metaphoric sci-fi audio conceptualization based around some of the formative ideology developed by the Grand Lodge of Internal Masonry. With centralized focus on the deterrence and defence technique aspects of Internal Masonry, namely, Black Ray and its resulting Architecture Antithesis, or AA, mental effect, the six tracks create a realm conducive to execution of thought rumination, and an embankment for sharp inner pathways.”
For us, Black Mecha does not exist safely within any pre-defined idiom. It is by nature a noumenal gesture in the void, projecting uncharted escape beyond staid, putative perceptions of genre.
Fascinating for its sense of discipline and focus, Black Mecha AA is poised in the balance between meditative hypostasis and raging yet controlled emotion, characterised in the bellicose momentum of Starship Aspicio or the strobing, stately majesty of Altruego, and to cataclysmic impact with the eviscerated electronics of Black Ray.
But make no mistake: it’s not showboating industrial noise or melodramatic angst; the sense of control amidst panic and dread is palpable and compelling in a way hardly experienced with such elemental force.
For listeners of a steeled disposition and open mind there is a logic and ingenuity at play in this record which begs the rarest, private consideration.
But overall - enjoy this music in your own way, because that is the only way of Black Mecha!
The Death of Rave is proud to host the initiation of Black Mecha, a new project authorised by Fortress Crookedjaw ov WOLD, introducing a sci-fi vision of heavy electronics strongly informed by the outer limits of black metal and a cryptic, esoteric weltanschuuang.
Official communiqué from the Grand Lodge of Internal Masonry:
“Black Mecha AA provides fragmented metaphoric sci-fi audio conceptualization based around some of the formative ideology developed by the Grand Lodge of Internal Masonry. With centralized focus on the deterrence and defence technique aspects of Internal Masonry, namely, Black Ray and its resulting Architecture Antithesis, or AA, mental effect, the six tracks create a realm conducive to execution of thought rumination, and an embankment for sharp inner pathways.”
For us, Black Mecha does not exist safely within any pre-defined idiom. It is by nature a noumenal gesture in the void, projecting uncharted escape beyond staid, putative perceptions of genre.
Fascinating for its sense of discipline and focus, Black Mecha AA is poised in the balance between meditative hypostasis and raging yet controlled emotion, characterised in the bellicose momentum of Starship Aspicio or the strobing, stately majesty of Altruego, and to cataclysmic impact with the eviscerated electronics of Black Ray.
But make no mistake: it’s not showboating industrial noise or melodramatic angst; the sense of control amidst panic and dread is palpable and compelling in a way hardly experienced with such elemental force.
For listeners of a steeled disposition and open mind there is a logic and ingenuity at play in this record which begs the rarest, private consideration.
But overall - enjoy this music in your own way, because that is the only way of Black Mecha!
The Death of Rave is proud to host the initiation of Black Mecha, a new project authorised by Fortress Crookedjaw ov WOLD, introducing a sci-fi vision of heavy electronics strongly informed by the outer limits of black metal and a cryptic, esoteric weltanschuuang.
Official communiqué from the Grand Lodge of Internal Masonry:
“Black Mecha AA provides fragmented metaphoric sci-fi audio conceptualization based around some of the formative ideology developed by the Grand Lodge of Internal Masonry. With centralized focus on the deterrence and defence technique aspects of Internal Masonry, namely, Black Ray and its resulting Architecture Antithesis, or AA, mental effect, the six tracks create a realm conducive to execution of thought rumination, and an embankment for sharp inner pathways.”
For us, Black Mecha does not exist safely within any pre-defined idiom. It is by nature a noumenal gesture in the void, projecting uncharted escape beyond staid, putative perceptions of genre.
Fascinating for its sense of discipline and focus, Black Mecha AA is poised in the balance between meditative hypostasis and raging yet controlled emotion, characterised in the bellicose momentum of Starship Aspicio or the strobing, stately majesty of Altruego, and to cataclysmic impact with the eviscerated electronics of Black Ray.
But make no mistake: it’s not showboating industrial noise or melodramatic angst; the sense of control amidst panic and dread is palpable and compelling in a way hardly experienced with such elemental force.
For listeners of a steeled disposition and open mind there is a logic and ingenuity at play in this record which begs the rarest, private consideration.
But overall - enjoy this music in your own way, because that is the only way of Black Mecha!
In Stock (Ready To Ship)
A new project from WOLD (Profound Lore, Ideologic Organ). Edition of 500 copies.
The Death of Rave is proud to host the initiation of Black Mecha, a new project authorised by Fortress Crookedjaw ov WOLD, introducing a sci-fi vision of heavy electronics strongly informed by the outer limits of black metal and a cryptic, esoteric weltanschuuang.
Official communiqué from the Grand Lodge of Internal Masonry:
“Black Mecha AA provides fragmented metaphoric sci-fi audio conceptualization based around some of the formative ideology developed by the Grand Lodge of Internal Masonry. With centralized focus on the deterrence and defence technique aspects of Internal Masonry, namely, Black Ray and its resulting Architecture Antithesis, or AA, mental effect, the six tracks create a realm conducive to execution of thought rumination, and an embankment for sharp inner pathways.”
For us, Black Mecha does not exist safely within any pre-defined idiom. It is by nature a noumenal gesture in the void, projecting uncharted escape beyond staid, putative perceptions of genre.
Fascinating for its sense of discipline and focus, Black Mecha AA is poised in the balance between meditative hypostasis and raging yet controlled emotion, characterised in the bellicose momentum of Starship Aspicio or the strobing, stately majesty of Altruego, and to cataclysmic impact with the eviscerated electronics of Black Ray.
But make no mistake: it’s not showboating industrial noise or melodramatic angst; the sense of control amidst panic and dread is palpable and compelling in a way hardly experienced with such elemental force.
For listeners of a steeled disposition and open mind there is a logic and ingenuity at play in this record which begs the rarest, private consideration.
But overall - enjoy this music in your own way, because that is the only way of Black Mecha!